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June 10, 2008 SPECIAL Meeting Minutes

Town of East Windsor
Special Board of Finance Meeting
June 10, 2008

Members Present: Marie Desousa, Jack Mannette, Robert Little, Jason Bowsza, Joanne Kubick, Alfred Floyd, and Kathy Pippin-Alternate

Also Present: Denise Menard-First Selectman, Gil Hayes-Deputy First Selectman, Dale Nelson-Selectman, Mary Szabo-Treasurer, Kim Scavotto-Assistant Treasurer

Marie Desousa acting chairman called the meeting to order at 8:15PM at the Town Hall in Board Brook.  She requested a 5 minute recess to allow the other members of the board to be present.

Motion to take a recess made by Jason Bowsza, second by Joaane Kubick
Vote: Unanimously

The meeting was reconvened at 8:20PM by Marie Desousa

Ms. Desousa made a small speech about the youth in our community who came out in the heat to support their town.  The youth followed the rules and stayed 75 feet away from the voting area.  She also spoke about how ashamed she was of some of the people in the community who gave such negative jesters to these children.  After she made her speech, she asked the Board Members if there were any objections to her comments.  There were no objections.

Board Members gave examples of what they were hearing from the public about this budget.  These are some of the comments, still feel it is too high of a budget, can’t afford the taxes, the employee’s salaries and benefits are too high.  Several board members felt the public needed to be educated about this budget, and what decreasing the budget really does and doesn’t accomplish.  The Board of Finance along with the members of the Board of Selectman discussed when to have the next Public Hearing.  It was set for June 16 at 7PM location to be announced.

Motion was made by Jason Bowsza to set the Public Hearing on June 16, 2008 at 7:00PM, second by Joanne Kubick
Vote: Unanimously

Alfred Floyd spoke on how they took out $250,000 out of the pension fund and gave the Board of Education $161,598 and the Police Department $88,402.  Mr. Floyd recommended going back to the public with the same budget.

Motion was made by Alfred Floyd to recommend to the Town Hearing on June 16, 2008 the current proposed budget with no changes, Second by Jason Bowsza

The board members went into a long discussion about if they should keep the same budget or reduce this budget to a 4% increase or even a 0% increase.  Ms. Desousa asked Mary Szabo-Treasurer, what the town would need to do to get to a 4% increase.  Ms. Szabo let the board know they would have to reduce the budget by $529,437.  There was also some discussion about it the town can reduce the numbers of police officers without being in violation.  A few members believe the town would be in violation and a few do not.  Ms. Desousa is going to verify if the town would be in violation if they reduced the Police Department to 23 officers.  Jason Bowsza stated the town needs to keep our officers, so that our residents will be safe.  Everyone needs to remember we are between two cities Hartford and Springfield.  Joanne Kubick also reminded everyone we need to take care of the people who can’t or couldn’t get out to vote, the children, the elderly, and the disabled.  Ms. Desousa let everyone know how much each one of these referendums was costing the town, at present we have spent about $8,000 and on the June 24th we will have to spend another $4,000 that is almost equal to the budget for the Broad Brook Library.  Jack Mannette let the members know the town will still operate if there is not a budget passed before the end of the month.  Jason Bowsza requested to call the motion that was on the table.  Ms. Desousa requested the motion to be read back to the Board of Finance.

Motion was made by Alfred Floyd to recommend to the Town Hearing on June 16, 2008 the current proposed budget with no changes, Second by Jason Bowsza

Vote: 3 to 2, Yes-Jason Bowsza, Alfred Floyd, and Joanne Kubick/ No- Jack Mannette, Robert Little.  Yes carried the motion.

Motion to adjourn at 9:00PM by Joanne Kubick, second by Jason Bowsza

Vote: Unanimously


Lori Butenas